Wednesday, July 31, 2013


At print (or I guess more accurately, post), I have been talking about "getting a hobby" since probably around 2008.  It's been one of my "New Years Resolutions" since 2011.  And even MORE explicitly - starting to bake more regurlarly and blog about it (to keep myself honest) was a resolution in both 2012 and 2013.  Hell - I even blogged ONE WHOLE TIME before creating this blog.

 I'll mostly post about baking projects, probably things found on Pinterest.  Maybe one day I'll try to actually cook real food.  I might even dig my camera out and not take all my pictures with my iPhone.  We'll see about that one....

So here I am, trying really hard in my 25th year of life to finally get a hobby that doesn't include a hangover the next day.  Let's see if this time it sticks.


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